Sunday 17 March 2013

My Bucket List

Here goes. . . My forever bucket list. . . I'll add to this as they come to me. . .

1. Get my ARCT in violin
2. Play an unaccompanied Bach piece - completed
3. Learn Spanish
4. Learn French
5. Get another puppy
6. Learn to crochet
7. Knit slippers
8. Create a YouTube account
9. Read "The Hunger Games"
10. Read the entire Bible
11. Get my button collection up to at least 1000 buttons
12. Create a scrapbook of my future - in the process...
13. Start a record collection (now that I have a record player as of 12/25/13) - also in the process

Although some of these may seem odd, I really want to do them all!!

To be continued. . .

Lists and Paper and Music - Oh My!

Hello everybody!!! First come the lists. I've decided that I will create a blog post titled "My Bucket List" and (as you can see from the title), it will be a post about my bucket list. I will add to it over time - you guys (whoever you are), will get to see what I would enjoy doing in the future. Yeah. I know. Brilliant. Lucky for me I don't think many people read my blog, so my idea will most likely stay secluded. Okay, moving on to (drum roll please), PAPER!!! So, this is the paper part of this post. As you can see from above, I've been working hard to create a beautiful paper masterpiece. My guess is the you could do this in a few hours (maybe even one depending on the length), but mine took me a while because I have been very busy lately - you will hear more about my business in the music part. Anyways, I thought that it would be good if I told how to make it since I'm sure many of you will want to know. Whoever you are. So here it goes. . . 1. Grab some paper. 2. Fold the paper over and over and over until you've reached the end of the paper. 3. It should now look like the picture above. Next you unfold it and start ripping it along the folds. Like so: 4. After you've finished ripping it (you can cut it, but I personally think it looks better ripped), you then take one of the strips. Like so: 5. Fold the paper strip in half. Like so: 6. Then fold both ends of the strip in. Like so: 7. Fold together so it looks like a heart. Like so: 8. Make multiple "paper hearts" and hold together. . . again, like so: 9. Staple pieces together, like so: 10. Now it should look like this: 11. Make a few "paper hearts", staple them together, then staple them together with another group of "paper hearts", and so on and so forth, until it looks, like so: And also, like so: And continue to do so until it reaches your desired length, so that it looks (again), like so: If you are wondering how I got the large paper heart flower in the middle of my paper garland, I just stapled a bunch together. Easy-peasy!! Thanks for reading my paper section of the post! Now on to music!!!!!! Okay, our music festival for our town and a few of the surrounding towns started yesterday. (Saturday). And Saturday was the strings day. So, I performed at it. I know that some of you know that I play the violin, and thats what I played. I think that yesterday was awesome, as I was very happy with a few things: my marks, the adjudicator (Anna Bekolay), and my playing. First, I played Allegro Brilliant by William Ten Have - my mark was 88!! Then I played Concerto No. 1 in A Minor by Johann Sebastian Bach - my mark was 87!! And then I played Allegro from Suite 7 by G.F. Handel with my sister, Emma, playing cello - our mark was 88!!! And then we (Emma on piano and me on violin), played Ave Maria by Bach/Gounod - our mark was. . . 90!!!! We did awesome! Next Sunday we are playing Ave Maria at the final concert. I'm really excited!!! Thanks for reading, and remember to always leave a comment after yo read so I know that at least one person other than my best friend and my family reads this!!! Thanks!! <3 Claire