Friday 17 May 2013


Wowsers! I haven't posted in forever! A lot of things have happened! Another birthday of mine came, my grandma and grandpa came back from Arizona, my cousins came to visit, school has been incredibly busy, I did my Advanced Rudiments theory exam last Saturday, and track is coming up!! After this post I probably won't post till school is over since I have track on Thursday, and then after that I have to study for finals, and then after finals, school ends, and then I'll get my report card, and then it's summer! Here is one of the projects I did while my little blogging break was happening:

Me and my mom made them together. Aren't they just the cutest things?!

Did I mention I got Instagram?!? I am so pumped! You can follow me: claire_elisabeth2 - Although I will only follow you if I know you. Internet safety first, folks!