Tuesday 12 January 2016

2016 New Years Resolutions?

Oops. The last time I posted was last year, guys. (Although, really, it was only a few months ago... so I guess that's okay)? Anyways, hello! I'm back and ready for a fresh start in 2016.

Speaking of fresh starts, why do we make new years resolutions? Is it because we want to be prettier, or better, or more like someone else? That's mostly what we think of when we think of resolutions. The classic "start working out", or "eat healthier". Yeah, those are both great things for your body, but the Bible says that our body is a temple for the Lord. So, if it's God's temple, do you think He'll really care about what your body looks like or what you eat? Probably not! (Btw, I am in no way trying to discourage people from or trying to put people down for healthy living. You do you)! But what I mean is, are you focusing more on you and less on God? After my baptism a few months ago (scroll down to see the post and my testimony!), I realized I wasn't trying hard enough to care for my relationship with God. I was too focused on what I thought about myself and my body - not really caring what God wanted me to do and think. That's what I'm trying to write about - I want to challenge you (and me) to put more effort into our relationships, daily actions, thoughts, and words to make them more Christ-like. It's incredibly hard! (But also totally worthwhile! I mean, who doesn't want to be as Christ-like as they can?!) So, to kick off this "resolution", I'm going to start by making a list of things I can do to achieve this lifelong goal. (And I challenge YOU to do the same)!

1. Think before I speak. I know, I know. Sooo cliche. But it's so true! Lot's of times I'll think back about my day and cringe at what I said or did, because let's be real - I'm totally imperfect and flawed. Plus, lots of things I think are totally fine offends others. (The biggest one for me is being careful with how much sarcasm I use)!

2. Read my Bible. Now, I'll admit, I am getting pretty good at this one. After years of only reading it when I felt like it, I've finally got the hang of it. The key for me is routine. For me, I like to read at least a chapter a night before I do my devotions and say my prayers. It fits in with the rest of my routine, and altogether with my devos and praying, it only takes between 15 and 30 minutes (although, more is always okay)! See? Simple! I also find it helps if I doodle and write my thoughts beside the passages, plus, looking back at all my notes makes me smile and remember what it was that passage spoke to me about.

3. Be kinder. This one goes hand in hand with the first one, but it's a little more general. Whether with words, thoughts, or actions, I want to show people I genuinely care about them, even if I don't know them that well or even at all.

4. Focus less on me. If I'm speaking honestly, I'm kind of a brat. Do I ever think about others? Yes, of course. But who occupies my thoughts the most? Probably mostly me, then others, then God. Uh oh. I think there's something wrong with that list. I think I meant to say God, then others, then me? Nope. I spend so much time on myself. (Hence my label for myself - brat). So this year, (and all years) I want to focus more on God and those around me. I need to stop thinking about doing my hair or acing my homework assignment and more on the everlasting things. Because good hair days and a 100% test score definitely aren't going to get me a yes from God's throne. Again, hair and school are not bad things, they just shouldn't be my focus. I know what you're thinking. Hair? School? Yeah. I'm a little odd... But we'll save that for a separate post. Maybe. Anyways, enough of this deep stuff. I hope you had an wonderful holiday and that you know you are beautiful and loved. So very much.
