Monday 31 August 2015

Alpine Trip 2k15

Hey guys! It's about time for an update! So, summer has come to a close and school starts back up again tomorrow... yippee! Although I'm super excited to get back to school and work (no, that is not sarcasm), I have to admit, I am a little sad that summer has come to a close, because I think this was the best one yet! First off, for 3 weeks in July I worked at a Bible camp I've attended ever since I was little. Then at the beginning of August, I worked at a day camp for that same Bible camp, which was again, SUPER fun! (I worked with several of my friends from my 3 weeks at camp). And then, I just got back less than 48 hours ago from my latest adventure. Each year, the class that is going into a certain grade drives to the mountains and hikes to a little hut, and then continues to hike up the mountains surrounding the hut for a total of 2 days, and then we all hike back down the mountain and drive back home. The trip lasts a total of 5 days and is always a blast! Here's a quick outline of what the trip looked like (just in case you're curious!)

Day 1 (Tuesday) - We met at the school and packed up our stuff and then we all drove down to the mountains! We stayed in a hotel in a city just over an hour away from the trails we were going to hike. Once we got to the hotel, we all got set up in the hotel room for the night and then put on our swimsuits and then headed down to the hotel pool. Our whole class waterslided for about an hour or two and then we hung out together in the lounge downstairs and played games. Our teacher who came with us on the trip told us we'd better not go to bed too late as we've got a big day tomorrow. (Did we ever!)

Day 2 (Wednesday) - We drove the remainder of the way to the trails and then explored a little before hitting the trails. Then we put on our HUGE packs and started the looong climb. Climbing up to the hut took the whole class about 4 hours. Then when we got to the hut we all but on comfy, clean clothes and hung out and played games together. We were all pretty tired, and a little sore, but we were super pumped for the following days.

Day 3 (Thursday) - We woke up at around 8-9ish and had breakfast together. Then we all grabbed our smaller, and MUCH lighter day packs, laced up our hiking boots, and headed outside to meet our guides. We then split up into smaller groups and headed off! We hiked for around two (?) hours to a small lake where we all had lunch together. Then we hiked all the way back. We changed into clean clothes and then some of us decided to do what we like to call "The River Challenge". Right by our hut runs this little river, and it's FREEZING cold. We walked through it, lay in it, and I even washed my hair in it! Then we all got into warmer clothes and played card games together until supper time. Then we all chilled together until it was time for bed.

Day 4 (Friday) - We woke up at around the same time as the previous day and our morning looked pretty much the same. Except, this time, we hiked up to a glacier (about 2 hours again), which unfortunately we couldn't climb because it wasn't warm enough so it was super slippery! We had lunch together and then most of the group headed back to the hut. 5 of us kids and 5 adults (including one of the guides) decided to climb up to the top of this ridge that overlooks everything and is only about 2 feet wide! It was raining a little bit and was super risky, but we decided we were up for it! I'm so glad I decided to go up! It was so beautiful and was really fun to be with a smaller group and make some memories. (And take some pictures of course!) Then we hiked back to the hut. When we got back, a few of us decided to do another shorter hike that only took about 2 hours total, (vs. the regular 4 hour day hikes) to several lakes. They were super pretty and we made some pretty hilarious memories! After slipping and sliding our way back, we had a nice hot supper and hung out together again until bedtime. We all packed up our big packs again, as we were leaving the next day.

Day 5 (Saturday) - We woke up, had breakfast, and put on our big packs again. Then we took a different route down to the bottom of the mountain. When we got to the bottom, we all changed into clean clothes and had some snacks (of course). Then we all hopped back into our vehicles and drove the long drive back home (stopping a few times for meals, snacks, gas, and bathroom breaks). We got home pretty late (11:30ish), and we were all pretty tired, but pretty wired to have just been on such an awesome trip!

In summary, our class sure had a lot of fun together and made lots of awesome memories! I'm sad it's all over, but it was a great way to end the summer! Now, enough stories! Here are a few pictures...

This was the gorgeous sunset that occurred during our drive home - the perfect ending to the perfect trip!

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