Wednesday 31 August 2016

An Overview of Summer 2016

It's August 31... how did that happen?! It seems like just yesterday I was jumping up and down after writing my last final! And though I am very excited to go back to school and dive into a flurry of activities (no sarcasm), I really am sad that summer vacation has come to a close. So, as a little something for me to look back on, I've decided to dedicate this blog post to summer 2016 and all the things I did. Here it goes...

1. I went to work as a junior counsellor at a Bible camp about 30-45 minutes away from where I live. I worked for two weeks in July, though I wish I'd applied for more! (Maybe next summer...) I had a blast hanging out with the campers and leading them through a week of activities, worship, and growth. (Hopefully they did too)!

Here are most of the other junior counsellors I worked with this summer!

2. I went hiking with my mom while on an overnight trip at a nearby campground/lakeside community.

3. I hung out at a lake with my family for my parents 25th wedding anniversary!

My sister and I had so much fun paddle boarding and paddle boating around the lake together!

4. I went fishing with my grandpa several times!

Just me being a goofball while trying to catch just one more fish before we hit the dock!

Though it may be a poor quality photo, I assure you that there was quality time involved in the process of catching these bad boys! (Fun fact: Even though we were only allowed to take 8 fish home, we actually caught 20 fish this time! And we caught 30 the next time we went out fishing! #catchandrelease)

5. Hung out with my family

Here's a picture of my sister (left), my mom (middle), and me (right) after having a fun girls day going to a few of our favourite places around the city!


And of course there were other cool things I did this summer, but these five main things pretty much sum(mer) it up. (Haha I thought I was being clever...) Unless of course, you count practicing, which I did a lot of this summer! I'm super excited for another year of learning and playing, and am also ecstatic about several big projects I've got coming up this year, too. (Music things, of course...) I hope everyone had a super awesome summer and has an amazing year back at whatever it is you do.


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