Saturday 28 July 2012

I Passed!!!

Wow! That week of swimming lessons sure went by fast! And as you can tell from the title of this post, I passed! Level 9 here I come! So excited to start swimming lessons again... next summer! I am so relieved to be done, but I really do miss the water. I finally got the hang of breaststroke, but my dives are still bellyflop-ish. (Although they are better than when I started level 8). My mom says that I should swim more this summer so I can practice dives and breaststroke. Just finished all my chores real quick so I could blog today. I love to blog!!! I'm all ready to sleep in until 9:30 tomorrow morning after a week of 2 swimming lessons per day, a sleepover with my BFF last night, and a Steve Bell concert tonight. I'm also excited for tomorrow because after church we are having a BBQ at my BFF's house with Steve Bell and his manager, my family, my BFF and her family, the pastor of Salem church, and possibly 2 other guests. Mom is bringing dessert, so you know its gotta be good!!! Thanks for visiting my blog! See ya!

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