Monday 30 July 2012

What a Weekend!

Wow! What a weekend! Friday was the last day of swimming lessons as I said in my last post, and that night I had a sleepover with my BFF. Saturday I got back from the sleepover and then did chores and then I headed to the Steve Bell concert with my family. And then on Sunday I went to church, had a BBQ at my BFF's house with a couple other families and Steve Bell. Also, last night we were watching the Olympics when my mom said ... "Okay girls!" And then we groaned, and then my mom continued: "Tonight you will be able to stay up as long as you want!!!" We were so excited! Now normally when a parent says that you would stay up till about 5:00 am, but my mom also said we had to be up by 10:00 am. So we watched the Olympics, cuddled with our cute little puppy, and laughed for about 20 minutes at a time from being overtired! We ended up getting into bed at 1:00 am, but I decided to read and cuddle with Maggie, (our dog) until 1:20 am. And then I went to bed, and of course as soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep! When I got up this morning I ate breakfast, walked Maggie, did violin, and brushed Maggie's teeth. And now here I am blogging about my life, and of course listening to one of my new Adventures in Odyssey! Perhaps now I shall show you a picture of my dog that you have heard so much about from this post! Here she is ...

Saturday 28 July 2012

I Passed!!!

Wow! That week of swimming lessons sure went by fast! And as you can tell from the title of this post, I passed! Level 9 here I come! So excited to start swimming lessons again... next summer! I am so relieved to be done, but I really do miss the water. I finally got the hang of breaststroke, but my dives are still bellyflop-ish. (Although they are better than when I started level 8). My mom says that I should swim more this summer so I can practice dives and breaststroke. Just finished all my chores real quick so I could blog today. I love to blog!!! I'm all ready to sleep in until 9:30 tomorrow morning after a week of 2 swimming lessons per day, a sleepover with my BFF last night, and a Steve Bell concert tonight. I'm also excited for tomorrow because after church we are having a BBQ at my BFF's house with Steve Bell and his manager, my family, my BFF and her family, the pastor of Salem church, and possibly 2 other guests. Mom is bringing dessert, so you know its gotta be good!!! Thanks for visiting my blog! See ya!

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Another Normal Day . . .

Only 4 more swimming lessons to go! (Or in my case, 2 more days of them). So excited to see if I passed or not! I love doing my swimming lessons and everything, but I'm excited to be able sleep in, and all that good stuff! This post may seem really boring to you, but to me this is complete excitement! I love blogging, and designing my blog,and everything! This such a new and exciting experience for me, I wish I could blog every day! (Apparently, according to my mom and sister, " you're not supposed to blog every single day, only when exciting things happen"). Thanks for that wonderful advice mom and big sis, but I prefer to blog whenever I feel. But due to that advice I shall not blog everyday, but shall still blog even when non-exciting things happen. Thanks for visiting my blog! Feel free to leave a comment! See ya!

Monday 23 July 2012

What a Day!

Hello out there! This is my first post as you can see! And what a day this has been!!! First I got up early in the morning to head to the city for swimming lessons with my mom. We got there and I had my lesson, and was unbelievably tired! We went to talk to a nice lady about my sisters swimming lessons (because we had to cancel) and after that I told my mom I felt like nauseous and so we decided to head outside for some fresh air. While walking down the stairs to get to the exit, I told my mom that I was seeing white spots everywhere, and was having trouble seeing. We went outside, and I got nauseous yet again and leaned over a close garbage can. Then I blacked out. I only saw white. Why do they call it a black out if you only see white??? Anyways, next thing I knew I was waking up from that terrible black out because I kept hearing my mom frantically calling my name. I woke up, and sat down in a chair some kind people had brought me. After that an ambulance and campus patrol car came and they took notes, and then I hopped into the ambulance ad they checked me out. I ended up being fine in the end, but they told me that my parents need to keep an eye on me. Anyways, they gave me a cute little teddy bear and told me to be careful. After that we did our errands and headed home. Boy, who would have thought that a normal girl like me would passed out on a beautiful day like today. As they say, "life is full of surprises!" (The picture below is of me, my teddy bear, and the awesome paramedics).